Mental Capacity

Brain injury and certain neurological conditions such as dementia and Parkinson’s Disease can lead to decision making difficulties, otherwise known as impaired mental capacity.  We offer bespoke mental capacity assessments using tailored materials designed to maximise and empower an individual’s decision-making ability. 

We routinely assess for capacity to make decisions on important matters such as appointing Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), testamentary capacity (making wills), consenting to health, welfare, or care treatments, and deciding on long-term residential or nursing placements.

We also offer second opinions or updates on previous mental capacity assessments.

Dr Cherilyn Lewis Resilience Neuro2


Under the Mental Capacity Act (2005), all individuals are presumed to have capacity unless there is an impairment of brain or mind – such as a brain injury or a progressive neurological condition such as dementia - that calls into question their decision-making capacity. 

Mental capacity assessments are commonly requested for important and complex decisions including but not limited to

  • Instructing a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
  • Making a community Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS) application
  • Testamentary capacity (i.e. the ability to make a will)
  • Engaging in care or treatment
  • Selecting long-term residential or nursing facilities

At Resilience Neuro, each capacity assessment is carefully tailored to empower the individual as much as possible and to ensure that the key principles of the MCA are adhered to, i.e. that every assessment must be

  • Decision-specific
  • Time-specific
  • Designed to support the individual as much as possible to make a decision, irrespective of communication or cognitive difficulties

We can also provide second opinions where the individual has already undergone a previous mental capacity assessment.Contact us to find out more.

Contact us

Contact us in confidence on or by completing the contact form

Resilience Neuro offers a free 15-minute telephone consultation for all enquiries. 

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Profile photographs by: Louise Rose Photography


Dr Cherilyn Lewis Neuropsychologist HCPC

Neuropsychologist Dr Cherilyn Lewis

ico Dr Cherilyn Lewis